Our founder, Sarah Namata was born and raised in Uganda. Before The Lord is My Shepherd there was the Ugandan Soul Winning Mission. This was at a time where the Church in Uganda seemed to be focusing its efforts in the city centres like Kampala and God’s children in the villages appeared to be forgotten about. God called Pastor Sarah to go back to the villages whence she came, declaring God’s word and revealing His heart for His children.
The Ugandan Soul Winning Mission is a manifestation of 1st Corinthians 9. It is taking a holistic approach to ministry, whether that is hosting open air conferences declaring His word, setting up Primary Schools to feed and educate children, or providing gifts during Christmas, the ministry serves as an extension of God’s hand, reminding His children that He has never forgotten about them, He loves them, and He has a greater story for them, that of John 3:16.
The Ugandan Soul Winning Mission has hosted 100s of conferences over the years in the villages of Uganda, seeing hundreds if not thousands of souls being won to Christ, and had most recently opened up a school in the village of Bali, welcoming tens of children into school, providing them an education, food and even school uniforms for some, thanks to God’s provisions through the donations of generous individuals. We continue to find ways in which we can reach the people of Uganda through this branch of ministry and so continue to seek the support and aid of Individuals like yourself to do so.